Monday, August 27, 2012

0 Treatment of gastric acidity without drugs The good qualities

Treatment of gastric acidity without drugs .. The good qualities

 Treatment of gastric acidity without drugs .. The good qualities

To move away from the medical drugs as long as the alternative exists .. Acidity is the problem we face a lot and today we will put her treatment by the Food and that we can be prepared at home and recipes are:

The first recipe:

- Peeling potato and then cut to small pieces and squeeze it with a piece of gauze and then add an equal amount of water to potato juice output and drink slowly.

Second recipe:

- Boil 50 g of licorice in a liter of water for 10 minutes and then left soaked for 5 or 6 hours and eating 3 cups of this boiled every day for 3 weeks and renews this treatment after 10 days, but be careful not to address the licorice that you suffer from high blood pressure.

The third recipe:

- Mixing two sheets of Iceberg lettuce (Capucci) electric Balkhalat with the amount of ice water and drink this juice thick green leisurely.

0 Treatment idle and lazy thyroid herbal

Treatment idle and lazy thyroid herbal

Treatment of hypothyroidism herbal
Dr. Jaber bin Salem Al Qahtani

The thyroid hormone vital metabolic organized in every cell of the body, which is why When the amount of hormone secretion less than required cause serious impacts which is called hypothyroidism disease.

 What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?

It is not easy to notice the first symptoms, and may be disregarded, and common symptoms such as fatigue increased, drowsiness and muscle weakness, lethargy, depression, headaches, low body temperature and the sensitivity of abnormal cold weather and low sexual desire and difficulty in reducing weight and dry skin with pain menstrual cycle of women, and the slow response and swelling thyroid and repeated infections and loss of appetite, low heart rate, and the descent of secretions of the structure of the breasts and cramps and dehydration and skin flakes, and the emergence of yellow orange in the skin, especially in the palms of hands, and protrusions yellow eyelids, hair loss, including eyebrows, and constipation, and slow to talk , and should be made, swollen eyelids and goiter.

The most common symptoms are fatigue and inability to tolerate cold, if a person always feels cold while around him feel the heat may suffer from a drop in activity of the thyroid gland.

The ranges of hypothyroidism in the intensity of the simple kind with limited symptoms is observed to severe acute kind that threatens the patient's life and called Maxidama or Alkhozb. Many causing allergies may actually be causing thyroid disorders.

Where is the thyroid gland?

The thyroid gland is located in the neck, under and behind the Adam's apple exactly dependent production of hormones on three things are available from the mineral iodine, and the safety of the gland itself, and the amount of the hormone as a catalyst of the thyroid gland (TSH) in the body. This hormone secreted by the pituitary gland in the center of the brain. The greater the level of stimulating hormone of the thyroid gland (TSH) in the blood, increased depending his level thyroid hormone until there is balance, and if were not thyroid function efficiently, the pituitary gland secretes more hormone catalyst of the thyroid gland in an attempt to correct the situation, considered thyroid thermostat internal body which regulates the temperature by secreting Hormonan يتحكمان in how quickly burn body calories and use of energy, if spawned gland lot of thyroid hormone led to a state overactive thyroid gland, and if spawned a little of it, this has led to a situation deficiencies in thyroid activity .

Thyroid disease affects more than 6 million Americans.

An 8-fold in women subjected men to the disease as it spreads significantly older women in particular, believes that Hashimoto's disease Hashimotos Disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism common. And get the body thyroid hormone allergy. The Hashimoto's disease is a common cause of goitre in adults.

There is a cure for hypothyroidism of herbs and dietary supplements are the most prominent of these herbs:

Alfoks Kelp: a moss green pulp is brownish rise about one meter, has fronds flat complex containing airbags, native coast north Atlantic and western Mediterranean and combines throughout the year, part used grass full and contains phenols and polyhedra Alscrid and metals, especially metal iodine , where the rate to 0.1% iodine and polyhedra Alscrid stimulant of the immune system, is used herb Alfoks as an antidote for hypothyroidism, where the plant metabolic rate to increase the production of thyroid hormones.

Urologist advised James Balch, who holds a doctorate in medicine and his wife, Phyllis, a certified nutrition advisory strongly Ansahan using Alfoks (kelp) for the treatment of hypothyroidism.

There regulated products (drugs) are sold in health food stores, and should not be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Recipe of herbs to stimulate the thyroid and treatment of hypothyroidism:

This recipe herbal composite of Dr. Jaber Al-Qahtani is to treat thyroid consists of plant gentian with red pepper chili with moss Irish with Alfoks vesiculitis (plant nautical) in addition to the plant Sbal where mix equal amounts of herbs mentioned and taken them to fill a teaspoon added to fill the cup boiling water and leave 10 minutes then drain and drink an average of 3 times a day .. It must for those who have blood clotting and takes some blood مسيلات not use this recipe.

0 Lettuce benefit pregnant women

Lettuce benefit pregnant women

Italian study showed that the lettuce of the most important sources rich in folic acid is useful for pregnant women and it has a great effect in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease as well as it contains beneficial dietary fiber in the intestines.

The experts pointed Food Research Institute in Rome that the lettuce leaves rich in beta-carotene, resistance to oxidation and eating a great deal of these papers before bedtime works as a painkiller in the intestine.

The lettuce is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C and vitamin E, as well as that of the water-rich vegetables and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus and iron.

The study also confirmed the importance of lettuce for young and old is shielding them from osteoporosis and also keep their teeth .. Other benefits of lettuce prevention of constipation because it is rich in dietary fiber and water as it moisturizes the body and prevents the formation of urinary gravel and calms the nerves and helps sleep also gives skin more purity.

0 Swollen stomach Causes and treatment methods

Swollen stomach .. Causes and treatment methods ..

Swelling is a state expansion in the stomach or intestine, if bloating not accompanied only burp and pain is concentrated in the upper abdomen, is pain swollen stomach, in the case if the pain is associated disorders in output and exit Wind This is the swelling of the colon, and the swollen stomach happen immediately after eating the distention of the colon occurs at any time.

Here are the most important causes bloating and methods of treatment:

- Causes swollen stomach:

• accelerate while eating causing swallowing air while chewing and digestion.

• unhealthy food or unbalanced.

• drink water while eating.

• drinking soft drinks.

• Foods that contain a high percentage of yeast

• Eat foods that brewing residues in the stomach, such as onions and beans.

• Eat foods that contain pungent spices.

• Eat gum or gum cause cause air to enter the abdomen.

• talk while eating.

- Ways to treat flatulence:

Certainly you first need to get away from the elements that cause you to swell in the foregoing. In your case of bloat, there are several ways to get rid of him, such as:

• teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water.

• a glass of water simple carburetor.

• treatments that can be used to designate Balfoarat which are available in pharmacies.

• natural herbs eat boiled considered its strong anti flatulence like: anise - chamomile (chamomile) - the ring - lemon (a strong repellent of gas as well).

0 amounts Manalvdilat causing in turn irritate the member and the resulting swelling and itching.

 amounts Manalvdilat causing in turn irritate the member and the resulting swelling and itching.


The most common types of bacteria that cause inflammation is "Haemophilus vaginalis" and cause the bacteria to make liquid White Slave in the vagina liquid is thick tilted to gray or yellow, there fungus called "Candida" also makes liquid vagina thick white, and cause the initial object named "hairy "convert to yellow liquid italics or green and gray, as well as make it thin and Rguia.
Can fungi or bacteria or primary objects, causing inflammation to be present in member Alemraep without that causing inflammation and quantities are usually balanced so as not to cause excessive amounts of any harm to women.

The inflammation occurs when upset this balance reproducibly and one or more of the objects in large numbers. There are several factors resulting in disruption of this balance, including pregnancy and poor health and malnutrition, insomnia, use of certain drugs, and the wounds and allergies against certain types of cleaners or detergents used in washing and scented soaps, can increase its role of risk pneumonia.

The treatment is after conducting tests on vaginal fluid to determine the type of organism causing the infection, and there is certain antibiotics and other medications used to treat it.
There are many medicinal herbs that can be used to treat infections, namely:

* Garlic:
Plant contains hundreds of vehicles manufactured by the ability of the Creator meticulously can not factories and technology rights work even if a fraction of those vehicles and garlic plants that contain compounds fatal fungal and bacteria is the most important compound allicin compounds killer fungus Candida albican which causes inflammation of the vagina

* In order to eliminate vaginitis take a teaspoon of garlic juice and added to about four teaspoons of yogurt then used Kdsh of the vagina twice a day and continue in use until the inflammation go away.

* Cardamom:

* Can be used cardamom seed oil as an alternative Excellent plant Australian Albalka.

* Buttercup Murr:
Is herb Medical traditional in Native American has been used by tribe Cherokees to handle indigestion and infections topical and appetite. Has introduced this herb to Europe in 1760 AD and became in the nineteenth century of plants favored by therapists belonging to the School of Natural Medicine (Althomsonyen) and school selectivity has remained listed in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia until 1926 and is buttercup plant bitter plants anti-bacteria and fungi which contain alkaloids most important Berberen and Hedresten Studies have shown that these compounds deadly type of amoeba cause inflammation of the vagina.
The studies proved that the buttercup plant has effects on the immune and the user of the buttercup plant is rooted

* Where taken to fill a teaspoon of filling a cup of boiled water and drink twice a day until the inflammation has passed or capsules can be used are sold in local markets.

* Alloundh or Aldharm:
Herbaceous plant aromatic Muammar is Flowers violet سنبلية shape and is one of the most beautiful plants and habitat of this plant France and the Mediterranean basin and grows naturally in cold regions of the Kingdom user part of Alloundh flowers, oil volatile and known in some Arab countries lavender with the lavender in Saudi Arabia differs from This plant completely. يعتبرهذا plant the most popular medicinal herbs since ancient times.
Alloundh contain the volatile oil and Afsip acids and Kumarniat flavonoids and three turbines. Use flowers and Alloundh oil anti-spasm and stimulating blood circulation and antibacterial

* The use drops of oil with tablespoons yogurt and dipped the cotton swabs so saturated and then enter into the vagina or used in the form of showers vaginal or in the form of cream paint or lotion with a note not to continue the use of vaginal douches except in the case treatment only because the use of vaginal douches frequently affects the vagina.

* Acidosis:
Herbaceous plant Muammar part of it used its roots

* Use a teaspoon of powdered roots with filling a cup of boiled water once a day drink for a week working as a cleaner and disinfectant.

* Apple cider vinegar:
Many doctors advised especially in Europe using apple cider vinegar

* Where taken three glasses of apple cider vinegar added to the bath the Milli warm water and then sit where women with vaginal infections and trying to penetrate the water inside the vagina and sit in the bath for 15 minutes.

* Hibiscus:
A herbaceous plant contains fluid materials and flavonoids and Kumarinat and salicylic acid and phenolic acids The root contains starch and several articles of sugars and asparagine acid and tannins. Hibiscus leaves are used disinfectant and fatal for some bacteria and fungi

* To use taken leaves and grated or cut then filled in the appropriate amount of water and placed on the fire until boiling and then cooled and filtered so still all suspended solids and the water will be a net and then used on the shower vaginal or lotion normal and used two to three times a day can also eat boiled Sherpa rate cup to two cups a day after meals.

* Hyssop:
Herbaceous plant Muammar is flowers violet beautiful shape, has been described Hippocrates hyssop to address pleurisy and recommended Dsagurides with rue agricultural asthma and influenza User segment of the plant is aerial parts, contains hyssop oil pilot and flavonoids and acids Afsip and materials once.

* Using crushed hyssop plant Gsola and vaginally shower and drink.

* How to use:

Grated all parts of the plant including the roots and then mixing with the amount of water and boil, then cool and drain well so be discharged net then works him shower vaginally or sitting for 15 minutes and can be done boiled for drinking from hyssop where taken to fill a teaspoon and placed in filling a glass of water already boiled and then leave for 15 minutes then strain and drink an average cup to two cups a day after meals.

0 Elixir Health is a cup of herbal tea

Elixir Health is a cup of herbal tea

When you feel inflammation in the throat or you're on the verge of injury shortness digest preferably dealing with a cup of tea medical.

Ursula says Saraberg spokeswoman in Berlin organization representing interests of pharmacists Germans: "can ease herbal teas of symptoms if there are signs of exposure to a problem or deteriorating medical condition."

Said Monica Botgn herbal teas "The diseases that are usually dealt with herbal teas are colds and digestive problems and women's complaints."

This tea is also used to relieve the symptoms of bladder and kidney pain and insomnia. Each herb contains a range of chemical ingredients determine the most powerful main effect of tea.

It helps plant with large leaves linden perspiration while helping fennel, anise and wormwood syrup to decipher convulsions.

Said Peter Zeman, chairman of the Professional Association of alternative medicine practitioners in Bonn that "sometimes confuses people four or six types of plants, but no more than that."

And increase the effectiveness of tea by adding and integrating herbs. It also promotes chemical compounds from its influence.

Can someone who does not have adequate Maumat on this topic to visit the pharmacist to prepare him tea manner.

Another solution is preset herbal teas. The Zizman said "disadvantage of this type is that it is a wide range of uses and is made specifically to address a specific problem or bug."

Said Laura Jroch from a consumer protection organization - Berlin "Not all of the herbal tea is a medical tea. Containers must contain tea medical information about how to use the correct chemical components and the dose and duration of validity, and license number. "

When buying herbal tea must make sure that each package wrapped separately so as not to miss essential oils inside them. The Botgn explained that "in this case can only benefit medical tea to the maximum extent."

And advises Jroch addresses medical tea for a limited period of time. She said: "I do not prefer to be addressed for a long time." Should not drink tea Medical for more than six weeks without consulting a doctor first.

0 Recipe henna to remove acne scars of the face and body

Recipe henna to remove acne scars of the face and body

Cause acne on the facial skin and even on the body Kalzar, arms and shoulders discomfort many women, it leaves after effects disturbing distort the appearance of the skin, so I will give you, dear recipe traditional Moroccan you'll get thanks to the skin crisp, clear and free from acne scars.

What you need to do is:

3 teaspoon of Moroccan soap or municipal
3 teaspoon of henna
1 teaspoon orange
Juice 1 lemon pill "acid"
- Nationalist mixing henna and soap, lemon juice and orange to be able to get a homogeneous mixture and coherent.

- Nationalist painted all your body and even your face this mixture and leave for 15 minutes.

- Rinse your body with water and then Afrckah Moroccan bath bag and you'll notice out layers of dead skin.

- And بالمداومة to use this mixture weekly notice that the effects of acne began to be afraid and that your skin become softer and glasses.

0 Moroccan recipe for lengthening hair care

Moroccan recipe for lengthening hair care

Do you suffer from hair loss and weakness? Try the best Moroccan mix to lengthen hair and prevent hair loss!

The ring and mix Moroccan henna mixes famous used to lengthen hair and prevent hair loss, as well as to give the hair the desired gloss.

Featuring mix its proximity circuit that works on lengthening the hair and prevent hair loss, as they also contain henna known its benefits to prevent hair loss; where she works henna to repair damaged hair from the roots and even parties, and give the hair of him is grainy, as well as help henna to adjust the level of humidity in the scalp, which prevents hair loss early, add to that the henna is considered an effective treatment against dandruff, as well as maintain the natural hair color, and prevent the emergence of white hair.

Mix the ring and Henna for Hair extension components:

- 2 tbsp of grain ring
- Two glasses of water
- Half a cup of henna

1. Boil water on the fire, and added a grain of the ring, and leaves on the fire until the water evaporates and remains only about half.

2. Drain the water from the ring beans, and add half a cup of henna, confuses everyone well.

3. Placed a mixture of henna and the ring on the hair from root to, and leave on the hair for about 3 hours to dry henna.

4. Wash the hair well in the usual way using the proper shampoo to the quality of your hair, then moisturizes hair Balbsam or holy because henna cause dry hair.

5. Recipe used the ring and henna twice a week to prevent hair loss, but it is not suitable for dyed hair because henna cause change hair color.

Tips when using the ring and mix Henna for Hair extension:

• to get rid of the smell of the ring in the hair, can add a bit of coffee beans to the ring and boiled water on the fire.

• to moisturize hair can add half a cup of yogurt to the ring and henna mix with everyone blending well before you put the mixture on the hair.

Note: if Ahssta any redness in the scalp recommend washing the hair off skin and see a doctor.

0 The therapeutic benefits of cumin

The therapeutic benefits of cumin

The latency of the most popular spices known to Arabic cuisine, and is used extensively with seafood of all kinds, giving it a savory taste endearing. The latency and therapeutic health benefits, make you not Tstgnin presence in your home, get to know the most important:

- Addresses the latency eye infections, and calms irritation, by boiling and then rinsing.

- Soak a little of it in a cup of boiling water with a lemon cut in rings, and then drink the water in the morning on an empty stomach, which helps in the fight against obesity.

- An anti-oxidant, which makes protective against atherosclerosis, and cancer tumors, according to what has been proven by researchers at the Indian Institute of Central Food Research Technology.

- Rich in vitamins (C, any, any), and is among the most widely used ten plants popular medical كعلاجات on the world.

- Cummins contains many important nutrients, such as iron, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, B6, zinc, and potassium.

- Eating latency provides the body a high proportion of monounsaturated fat, useful in controlling the ratio of LDL cholesterol, and prevent cardiovascular and cerebral.

- According to dietary fiber found cumin in reducing the absorption of sugar from food, and impeding the absorption of cholesterol, and to facilitate the passage of food waste out of the body.

- Medical studies confirm the ability of Cummins to improve the digestion of food, and reduce the chances of the gases, which increases the ability of gastric secretion of digestive juices.

0 Garlic a natural painkiller

Garlic a natural painkiller

Although avoid some people eat garlic raw because of taste sharp and smelled strong, but that its health benefits encourage use to ease the symptoms of many diseases and pains, not only the benefits of garlic on a health standpoint, but also include aesthetically also through its benefits for the skin, and hair, as well as to his active role in weight reduction, and in following Snodz some benefits:

- Strengthen the body's immunity has been proven through studies that garlic antibiotic kills the germs that cause tuberculosis, diphtheria, and in some cases was more effective than antibiotics.
- Lowering blood pressure where it is proved that subjects Alolsin and the two Aloguin in garlic are working to reduce high blood pressure and thus Tkien Manalasabh atherosclerosis.
- Fight infections of the tonsils, mouth and gum infections through Dlkha or chewing a piece of garlic and works a painkiller for toothache.
- Treatment and improve the situation of chronic diseases, where it is proved that the regularity of eating garlic significantly reduces the rate of cholesterol and blood pressure and diabetes.
- Used as a disinfectant for wounds and many skin diseases and fungal infections.
- Treatment of diarrhea through its impact cleanser for the digestive system and intestines can also be boiled for the treatment of abdominal colic and kidney stones.
- Research has shown that eating garlic during pregnancy prevents pre-eclampsia.

0 The benefits of white tea

The benefits of white tea

Many people who want to improve public health and weight-loss resort to eating white tea despite unavailability in large quantities is a relatively rare when compared to green tea or black so up kilo white tea to $ 40 a drink mild taste and delicious, but its production is picking small buds Tea Tree as well as small papers carefully and kindness, and large leaves are discarded and regular, and are then dried carefully, too.

What are the benefits of white tea?

Nutrition experts say that the developed world began trading in a certain type of tea called white tea contains polyphenol compounds and is working to strengthen the body's immune system and protect against cancer.
Green tea was ranked first in this area compared to traditional tea, but white tea started this ranks due to the enjoyment of the taste and taste good. White tea is a securities of very small at the stage of blooming of buds and characterized such securities existence amount of IPL fluffy white bottom surface of each leaflet is why they called white tea, and China and Japan of the most important producing and exporting countries for this type of tea.
White tea better for human health of green and black tea as it contains antioxidants which protect against viruses of human Avsabh many viral diseases.
White tea .. Ensures access to the largest possible amount of useful material antioxidant known compounds (polyphenols) active .. The researchers found when testing the ability of this tea unlike mutations in the cells of the bacteria .. That its effectiveness was stronger than Type Green .. Due to the presence of additional types of compounds (polyphenols) powerful and more amounts of compounds (Mathelzantin) Kalcavien and theobromine, which gives him resistance qualities of mutations.
On the other hand proved specialists researchers that it is possible to reduce cases of eczema and rashes drink three cups a day of tea .. Researchers predict that the compounds (polyphenols) known strength as antioxidant materials are responsible for the preventive properties of tea which is subject to less processing of ordinary black tea .. Especially in stop-causing skin reactions eczema.

0 Green beans contain important nutrients for your body

Green beans contain important nutrients for your body

There are many benefits not known to many of us for some food, and returns the interest contained in these foods that they carry a lot of nutrients, which dates back positive effects on the human body when ingested.

There are many benefits to address the rights of green beans not known to many, the most important of first because they contain folic acid and selenium material, and are needed articles of the human body strongly for large usefulness.

It also contains green beans on the element potassium, and the most important benefits they work to lower cholesterol in the blood.

0 Cup of tea thyme therapeutic benefit to many diseases

Cup of tea thyme therapeutic benefit to many diseases

Cup of tea thyme therapeutic benefit to many diseases

Thyme herb which is sensitive to pungent and hot with a strong fragrance. It's also also a great herb for treating a large number of diseases. They know their ability to increase the flow of urine and help menstrual pain. And assist in the birthing process and prevent abortion; in fact, thyme antiseptic full to all members of the body. Thyme is also used for the treatment of neurological disorders, leprosy and paralysis.

It is also said that drinking a cup of thyme tea in the morning instead of coffee can bring many health benefits: activity, the rest of the stomach, stop coughing and general health status. "

Thyme grows in sunny areas next to cells ants. Consumption can dry or fresh thyme. Thyme came from the area of ​​the Mediterranean in the eleventh century and is found in many gardens now.

Thyme benefits:

Addresses thyme pink eye. Wounds immediately because of its antiseptic properties. Also addresses menstrual cramps and symptoms session also. Is a common treatment for diseases of the stomach, lung congestion, influenza and diseases. It is also used to get rid of the nightmares, the treatment of kinks, rheumatism, muscular dystrophy, heart, multiple sclerosis and paralysis. Thyme herb must not without a kitchen.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

0 Purslane Herb

Home: its origin to India and Iran, and is found in all parts of the world.

Purslane Herb
Portulaca Cleracea
Masculinized in Syria known as "unfrequently" In Lebanon "Verwhanh", and these two names origins of the Syriac language,
In some dictionaries Arabic called "Alverwh and Alverwha" Blessed Baklh, and "masculinized" in Egypt, Palestine and Jordan Vasmha Verwhanh They concocted popular with farmers.

Masculinized called also foolish Babaklh and that it only grows in water Fikalaa stream and washed.

Common Name: Golden Leaf Purslane
Scientific name: Portulaca Aleracea.
Family: Portulaceae
Latin name: Portulaca oleracea

Their names Hsu:
Portulaca oleracea, verdolagas

Home: its origin to India and Iran, and is found in all parts of the world.

Plant around me is growing rapidly in the spring, the summer, use a food crop juicy for more than 2000 years.

Purslane plant to the area of ​​origin India and Iran, which has spread to Europe, America, and almost every another corner of the world.

Reason for global distribution are two reasons first because the plant product, secondly if properly cooking is delicious.

In traditional Chinese medicine, purslane is used to remove heat and toxic materials, and stop the bleeding.

The Chinese suppliers are found grass similar benefits, for use in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Historically has been used as a remedy for rheumatism.

Purslane has more beta carotene than spinach, in addition to high levels of magnesium and potassium, vitamin A, and C

It is one of more than eight plants spread over the surface of the globe.
Grows in abundance in the land of light and irrigated gardens in the summer.

Flowers so small (5 mm), and in the papers Venus Cup and five yellow leaves Twigg and a large number of stamens.

Pollination process in general, self, and flowers bloom from February until September.

It crawls Bsakana and his papers on the ground that is reminiscent of the palm of a man.

Considered Alverwhanh long medicinal plants, and is used for the treatment of head pain and bladder and heal sores and de-worming.

In Indian and Chinese medicine used Cypriot flowers and foliage Alverwhanh for many diseases, including: skin infections, eczema, hemorrhoid and urinary tract infections in the lungs and to prepare against burns dressings.

Studies have shown that conducted in laboratories that Alverwhana containing antibacterial materials and fungi.

In the past Ntheroa Alverwhana around the family to prevent evil spirits.

And I knew it valuable in healing blow cold and injuries powder gunpowder.

Used Alverwhana in these days to purify the blood and gum infections and treatment through chewed.

0 Eat purslane or Baklh gives you enough energy to do physical exercise

Eat purslane or Baklh gives you enough energy to do physical exercise

Medical research concluded that eating a package of plant "masculinized or Baklh" gives athletes who wish to exercise the necessary energy to help them withstand the rigors of exercise.

She explained research conducted in this regard that eating purslane leaves contribute significantly reduce the negative effects of violent exercise on genetics (Dy.. Eh).

The researchers pointed out that in spite of the health benefits and physical numerous supplied by exercise of the human body, but it is working on the production of large amounts of free radicals harmful and dangerous to the body may contribute to increase the chances of diseases such as diabetes or cancer in the absence handled properly .

Research advises the importance of eating copious amounts of purslane leaves rich in antioxidants before exercise to prevent vulnerable to the negative effects of the secretion of some harmful free radicals after exercise.

The research was conducted at the University of "Edinburgh" on a group of healthy men were taking samples of their blood after eating purslane leaves and take exercise on a regular basis to be tracked for about eight weeks.

And follow-up retreat showed that people who ate purslane before exercise has been slow to negative effects on their genes and genetic declining production rates harmful free radicals in the body.

The study also recommended the importance of eating 85 grams of fresh vegetables especially leafy before exercise to reduce the effects of the secretion of harmful free radicals after exercise.

0 Benefits Right Qtona

Benefits Right Qtona

Right Qtona Psyllium: otherwise known as plantain and knows this plant also known as hashish fleas

Scientific name: scientifically as Plantago ovata.

Active substances: Sowing Qtona with a high content of fiber is the active substance in the product Mitameosal and other commercial laxatives that increase the volumetric mass of feces. A few tablespoons daily with plenty of water give you health quantity of fiber anti recess "inflammation of diverticula is small pouches in the lining of the colon, and the colon is the biggest part of the large intestine. The small bags Taatqubb outside the colon, these bags full of faeces called Alrdob, also called the situation in which a name recess. "

The part of the plant used seeds and seed husks.

Seeds contain fluid materials and the most important compound in the gel is Arapinnocsaalan and also contains fixed oil by 52% and carbohydrates and used sowing Qtona to treat hemorrhoids where proven scientific studies of U.S., German and Scandinavian that seeds Qtona her property Annealing and anti-diarrhea, and no preparation of seeds Qtona sold in Chidagliat for this purpose.

Ibn Sina says:

Right Qtona: essence: two colors winter and summer and soup from whichever weight Darhamin.

Choice: Ald Ojodh hoarder who fails in the water.

Copyright: cold wet in the second.

Acts and properties: Almgulw him Mltauta in fat roses clutch and calms headaches dressings with vinegar is a very highly.

Tumors and warts: used multiplied by vinegar tumors warm and ant and reddish, especially under the ears and on Albulgmah.

Machines joints: an integrated torsion nerve and Chnjh and gout and pain in the joints warm vinegar and fat roses.

Members of the head: head wounds usefulness of warm Sdall.

Members of al-Sadr: unrelenting chest too.

Members of food: drool with roses or fat with fat almond useful for extreme thirst for biliary.

Members Alinvd: Almgulw him weight Darhamin Mltauta in fat roses conceivable benefit from abrasion, especially for boys and Almtalb the same from their saliva with violet-called fat.

Drink shall dwell hot flames diets.

0 Natural herbal cure hemorrhoids

Natural herbal treatment of hemorrhoids of Dr. Jaber bin Salem Al Qahtani

Hemorrhoids are a swell in the veins of the rectum, and rectum are two types of veins: internal veins that line the lower part of the rectum and extends to the top, and external veins, which are found under the skin of the anus. When accommodate these veins turn into piles, and the question is whether there is a cure for hemorrhoids herbal or animal products?

Yes there is a cure herbal and animal products ..

- Onion ONION: already talking about onions in previous issues and the way that the Lishui onions and then runs over with fat and then painted by hemorrhoids it is very useful and continue the patient to use this recipe a day until your hemorrhoids, you should not use this recipe if hemorrhoids have started bleeding must You have to wait until the bleeding stops and then use the recipe, it can boil half a medium onion for three minutes in a liter of water and then filtered and cooled even be flat and then injected anally.

- Suppositories eggplant EGGPLAN: eggplant herbaceous plant Muammar height ranges between 28 to 70 cm has great mystical lobed leaves and violet flowers and fruits big violet color.

Eggplant known scientifically as Solanum melongena and part of the plant used suppositories, fruit and fruit juice fruit and leaves.

Fruits of eggplant contains protein, carbohydrate and vitamins A, B, B-2, c. Used eggplant fresh fruit mash and placed on the hemorrhoids once a day, but suppositories fruit of eggplant He grabbed with bitter almond, almond green and then used Kdhan hemorrhoids.

- Banana BANANA: banana perennial plant known scientifically as Musaspp where species of this genus and user part fruit.

Bananas are used to treat hemorrhoids where taken pills - which is divided into two parts and then cook steamed half equator Bakcherha even be very soft, and then eaten twice a day once in the morning on an empty stomach and once before bed and this recipe one of the renowned Chinese recipes.

- Figs FIG: already talking about figs in detail in the numbers of past and user part of the fig is the fruit is mature and securities where boil leaves the fig tree in the water by three papers in one liter of water, then cooled and washed by hemorrhoids or can sit in it, as eaten grain to TWO of immature figs on an empty stomach daily.

- Herb hemorrhoids PILEWORT: herbaceous plant height of up between 10 30 cm his leg hollow soft carrying papers large Khtafah cardiac shape, flowers yellow shiny know scientifically as Ranunculus Ficaria part of the plant used: aerial parts, contains plant substances soap and proto Onimonin and Onimonin and materials Afsip and vitamin c.

Plant is used in the form of ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids and plant should not be used orally.

- Sowing Qtona PSYLLIUM: This plant is also known as hashish fleas and there are three types of this plant and part of the plant used seeds and seed husks.

Seeds contain fluid materials and the most important compound in the gel is Arapinnocsaalan also contains fixed oil rose 2 5% and carbohydrates and used sowing Qtona to treat hemorrhoids, where studies have shown Scientific American, German and Scandinavian that the seeds Qtona her property Annealing and anti-diarrhea, and no preparation of seeds Qtona sold in Pharmacies for this purpose.

- Alhmamils ​​(common Frankish) WITCH HAXEL:
perennial tree height of about 6 meters and grows humid forest on the outskirts, has been named the witch hazel tree that magicians Indians imparts supernatural magical power. Scientifically known as Hamamelis Virginiana and user part of the tree leaves and peels.

Contains papers and cobalt on Afsip materials by 8-10% and flavonoids and materials once and volatile oil (leaves only).

Used peels and leaves to treat hemorrhoids, inflammation and stop internal and external bleeding and use boiled leaves and peels after it cools a bit, where can a person who piles sit in this solution, and there is another way is that dipped pieces of cotton in the solution and then placed in the refrigerator and after taking the patient bath water puts cotton saturated solution and chilled in the refrigerator into the rectum to hews stretched blood vessels, can also extract ointment work peels and paint the hemorrhoids, and are plant recipes effective Alhmamils ​​to this purpose.

- Handal COLOCYNTH: herbaceous plant Muammar outrigger on the ground has lobed leaves covered with white hairs, yellow to whitish flowers, his big green fruits striped light green color and at maturity turns to yellow.

Handal known scientifically as Citrullus colocynthus and part of it used fruit.

Containing fruit Handal on the core is the active ingredient and contains pulp resin materials and the most important compounds Aalatirin (A) and Aalateresin (B) also contains alkaloids and pectin and materials soap used Handal as facilitating strong but for hemorrhoids, the use varies where taken fruit before maturity is what still green and then divided into four pieces and used every piece of fat hemorrhoids and this tried and tested recipes.

- Linseed LINNSEED: a small herbaceous plant height ranges between 30 - 100 cm has beautiful blue flowers, and scientifically known as Linum usitatissium Part user seeds and oil seeds .. Seeds contain fluid materials and phenolic Gelokozydat and pectin enzymes and fixed oil and Bruitin also contains flavonoids and Sterolz.

Uses linseed oil for the treatment of hemorrhoids where paint hemorrhoids if the outside or pieces of cotton dipped in oil and interference in the anus and this recipe helpful.

- Wind promises Morocco BERBERIS: and known Palmomiran a small plant has branches retort solid color yellowish scientifically known as Berberis Aristata and the user him fruits and stems, roots and leaves. Plant contains alkaloid known as Berberan Wuxi Kantin and Berpamin.

Used in soothing the pain of hemorrhoids where taken 40 grams of leaves or fruit in a liter of water and boil then filtered and taken from three cups a day.

- Castor oil CASTOR OIL: We all know castor oil which is used to clean the waste in the intestines, one of laxatives, taken this oil and paint hemorrhoids dangling for several times and carefully.

- Stalks marrow Beauty: extracted brains or beauty marrow then paint the hemorrhoids Vishviha tested this recipe.

- Acol ALHAGI: a herbaceous plant truck Muammar known scientifically as ALHAGI GRAECORUM one endemic plants in Saudi Arabia and the user from all its parts.

Contains Gelokozydat Antrakinonah and Afsip materials and resin and Sterolat unsaturated soap materials and carbohydrate.

All parts of the plant are used drink or incense or even cold coating hundred for the treatment of hemorrhoids, plant is also used as anti for the treatment of hemorrhoids to ease her pain.

Important Note: for patients with hemorrhoids:

Patients must hemorrhoids work any kind of sport and the best walking, as it should treat constipation because it is the basis of the problem and should limit the intake of fish, beef, citrus and hot spices.

0 Calendula officinalis

Calendula officinalis

What is Azeris and benefits and Mdharalodhiraon?.
Is one of chrysanthemum plants and is considered of the most popular plants used in the West and known as pot marigold and scientifically as calendula officinalis vehicle of the platoon. The user part of the Azeris is beautiful orange flowers form and the original home of this plant is in southern Europe.

It herbaceous plant grows in the orchards and roads parties, and has a high leg 40 of 60 centimeters, and serrated leaves are oval parties and covered with minute hairs, and flowers yellow or orange color.

Azeris plant contains materials terpene resin materials and Gelokozydat once and essential oils and Sterolat and phenols and fluid materials and Korotonz.
Calendula MARIGOLD perennial plant gardens height of up to about 60 cm, has bright orange flowers like chrysanthemum flowers in their order.
Original home of Calendula gardens: native to southern Europe and is grown in the temperate regions of the world. And usually grows spontaneously in orchards and roads parties.

User segment: blooming flowers and plants soft before you open flowers. The plant flowers strong foul odor.

Known as Calendula other names, such as parks Qoqahan Zubaydah and Kahla. Either scientifically is defined as CALENDULA OFFICNALI vehicle of the platoon.

What are the contents of chemical?
Contain flowers and plants on Sabotinat triple turbine by between 2 to 10% and Gelokozydat a, b, c, d, e, g, a kind of either mono or Bseidimosziedk or Aanolik lion Gelaako Zaidz. It also features a triple-alcoholic turbines which are numerous and well flavonoids by 03 to 08% and include Oazothaji and Kuerstan. It also features a Korotonidat and the most important compound Iotin Zaakthen. As well as contain Diyderuxtkumarin such Scopulitin Ampelifordn and Askiolten. As well as the volatile oil percentage, 02%, and the most important Composite Alvakadenol, as well as multi-material sugars and fluid materials and resin materials.

What did he say about seniors?
Calendula gardens is the most popular herbs and has multiple uses in herbal medicine European Fbtalath brightly excellent treatment of the skin inflamed and swollen where they help their antiseptic properties and therapeutic in reducing the spread of infection and speed up the healing and flowers also cleaner and removing toxins.

He was said David Antioch in his ticket "purifies the brain, chest, guts, and vermin out of the abdomen and the house and flee from him where she was, especially flies. Heartbreaking gravel and generates waste, and falls Alognih even caught by pregnant a short period of time, fit the teeth, gargling and mother of boys. Go dropsy and spleen, jaundice never, joints and pigs coating.

He said his son Bitar at the University of "people who claimed that a pregnant woman if Omskth her hands in place one over the other, won him great harm fetal severe, if perpetuated cought and Achtmamh dropped fetus. Said that tobacco smoke escapes from Alvirran and deployment. If drinking one hundred four dirhams vomited strongly, and make a response in the position deserted him flies. And may ligature lower back Anaz Aanaaza average, and if Astat Basarp origin prevent toothache including analyzes of defense of the sputum. It is said that the origin "root" if commented benefit from chains, and barren women if Ahtmmelth conceived.

Ibn Sina said "Azeris hot in the third crusty and where Trellaekaya and strengthens the heart but it tends mood Spirit his anger without joy side. Benefit from disease fox vinegar powder, ashes vinegar sciatica, benefit of all toxins and especially Alldog.

It benefits large rotting treatment for wounds and sores incurable.

What did he say about modern medicine?
Research has shown that Azeris anti-inflammatory, muscle spasm and dried clutch, anti-bleeding wound and blamed and antiseptic, poisons the body remover generator estrogen nice. As resins which antifungal and antibacterial and viruses. He also caught capillaries and this explains the effectiveness of wounds and varicose veins and various inflammatory conditions. Used flowers to treat wounds rotting sores incurable and sores varicose and bed sores "It sores that occur in the sitz or shoulders or heel when the disease and especially the elderly who are forced disease to stay in bed for a long time lying on their backs, and fistula repair and congestion in the toes of the impact of exposure to cold and cracked nipples and hands and all of these injuries treated ointment made from flowers Azeris.

And how to make the ointment is mashed plant flowers that was fresh, crushed flowers were dry and mixed with goat butter is salted and then uses paint. Also, plant flowers treated skin cancers. As used boiled flowers plant that contain the hormone sexy for the treatment of ED in males and boiled itself generates menstruation in women and removes its accompanying pain, that drink before menstruation expected eight days, and is said to drink boiled flowers Azeris and long relieves uterine cancer, The dose method is to take full teaspoon of flowers Azeris and is added to fill the cup of boiling water and leave to cool and then give him a tablespoon every two hours. The Azeris of the best recipes of Dermatology, where used as a good treatment for burns and wounds and skin infections and against burning sun as well as the rash.

Also, scientific studies have proven its effect on the digestive system has been used dye Azeris as well as boiled against infections, including duodenal ulcers, bowel and colon. Azeri is also a good cleanser for the liver and gall bladder and can be used to treat the problems for those members. Also, this plant can be used in the organization of menstruation and relieve her pain and light bleeding after normal vaginal shower can be done in the case of vaginal infections.

Calendula oil is used parks effective antidote for fungal infections, as petals used externally to treat some skin infections.
It is used in the treatment of many diseases of women, especially inflammation of the vagina and nipple cracks, and works as an organizer of menstruation and bearing yellow, and uses emulsion for a long time in the treatment of cancer of the uterus.
Which is used to make ointment handles congestion in the toes resulting from exposure to cold, and treatment of cracks hands.
The emulsion is used to contain floral sexual hormone to treat sexual impotence in males.
Soaked bandage plant teas are then placed on slow healing wounds or varicose ulcers.
Addition of 5 10 points of Azeris oil to bath water to treat anxiety and nervous depression.

Is there Azeri products from the plant?
Yes, there is a cream and jelly rate of 7%, 10%, 4% ointment and eye solution and dye and shampoo.

0 Herbal treatment of hormone milk

Herbal treatment of hormone milk .. * Herbal treatment prolactin *

Is a hormone secreted by a small gland in the brain called the pituitary gland .. It causes out milk from breast girl unmarried and a woman's breasts for several years after the end of lactation and show signs clearly before menstruation and feel here women congestion and the weight of the breasts seeks women that wearing a bra for less congestion and pressure on the nipple flow of breast milk ..
(And must learn something important to the continued repetition of the nipple between age and last day lead to the secretion of milk for a long time)

There is something else, which is that some women suffer from the illusion became or waswasah be diagnosed with breast cancer they remain a day doing breast self-examination and throughout sitting massaged in her breast perhaps find something! This one of the reasons for the induction of prolactin in breast!

No milk hormone (prolactin) certain levels in the blood and the normal rate of milk hormone in the blood ranges from 3 to 30 nano grams / ml and continue for a period ranging between 50-60 minutes.
(Note that the variable rate of this hormone in the blood)
But usually increases the secretion of pituitary hormone naturally in pregnancy and childbirth.

Reasons for the high hormone milk:

- The imbalance of hormones or scaled Ngerfi.
- A benign tumor in the brain.
- Nipple fondling significantly during the process of sexual intercourse.
- Taking certain medications such as birth control pills, blood pressure treatment, psychiatric medication, depression, nausea drugs.
- Drink some herbs such as: circuit, fire (nettle), Alqntrion Anbari, fennel
- Anxiety and stress which affects the level of the hypothalamus in the brain and lead to the secretion of milk and this happens in the case of psychological crises and emotional and behavioral disorders.
- Wear some clothes that are narrow breast nipples pressing and Thrdahma! Such tight bra and wear woolen clothes directly on the body without a bra.
- And, of course, some organic diseases such as faulty or underactive thyroid and others.
- Damage to the spinal cord or a direct hit in the chest and the chest wall.
- Chronic problems in the kidney or liver cirrhosis.


This is a recipe of herbs to treat high hormone milk:
50 g veins dyers
50 g Calendula gardens
50 g Miramah
50 g anise
50 g responded Gori
Grinding everyone well, taking into account equitable distribution during mixing and taken a small teaspoon and placed in a glass of water and pours boiling water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach and evening half an hour before bedtime.

0 Herbal breast enlargement

Herbal breast enlargement .. 3 recipes to increase the size of the chest Herbal
Herbal breast enlargement

Received the e-mail Nora since the beginning of this year more than 80 e-mail all the requested recipes for breast enlargement natural materials or through herbs, without a doubt that the problem of breast size problem negatively affect your appearance, it can be a body harmonic but was chest size appropriate ... which surprised me that the percentage increase for the 60% of messages you received was for married women and feel inferiority and embarrassed by their husbands because of the small size of the breast, and the rest of messages were girls between 16 to 28 years old also was Intabehn feeling embarrassed and inferiority, in fact it is considered faulty In general appearance Vsgr breast size affect the appearance of the female and lose their attractiveness and femininity and also the magnitude of excess breast lose their appearance and makes it appear asymmetrical body ..


Is a real problem and we must develop solutions to this problem .. Allocated in April good topics for breast augmentation through cosmetic surgery and through exercise, massage and now we want to develop and recipes to enlarge breast size without surgery and without surgical intervention


First recipe:

- A tablespoon of sage leaves (names seconds like: sage Auaaozkan or in Morocco called Salmiya)
- A cup and a half of boiling water

Fractional sage leaves and put them in a bowl and boiling water boy means soak a good cover Agma so no shale gas evaporates and leave for four hours
Then drain and drink them several doses Length of Day daily Ocherbah and TAKE him the amount of 3 tablespoons of Anakaa and rub well with chest pressure until the redness
"And Ptlahzin swell significantly in the size of the chest after the first week of use"

Sage plant product for Estrogenand a female hormone cycle benefit zoomed chest


* Recipe warnings:
- If discarded Ahtata Ahtaha in mo Tcherbanha tray pay alone Aaaaa Tkthrey because plentiful injurious to drink a few of them at intervals spread in the day.
- Non-piloted the time of the menstrual cycle and pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Second recipe:

Cup circuit
4 tablespoons yeast
1 tablespoon honey


* Tahti ring with bowl Moya Daveh Anar Thrkém and abandoning what little overburden. For 10 Dqaig
* Liquidate the ring and giving up a little with fancy what Tdfy for two minutes.
* Tahti yeast and honey on Moya ring and Thrkém
* And now ready mix
* Tahti little in place to be and Valuation Pferkh Dekh all not Minschw Tahti again for 3 times
* And put your excess Althellajh


Do not put the ring and honey Anar with the ring because it loses its mission
Used daily for a week and you'll see the result
Not Tagelet days




Third recipe:


(1) Malqtin young yeast
(2) cup water
(3) pending large circuit



(1) boil the ring with water for 5 minutes
(2) dissolve yeast in a small amount of water
(3) development of yeast dissolved in the ring
(4) chest rub mixture for 20 minutes
(5) massage in a circular way
(6) The mixture is placed on the chest whenever dried
(7) continue to mix on the chest for 3 hours (are washing process)
(9) are bathing in warm water or pass water warmth on the chest
(10) massage chest pumping ice for 5 minutes


(1) daily attendance the recipe until the arrival to the desired size chest
(2) The process of chest massage in circular
(3) in the case of sensitivity or any redness fat chest touch of honey bees
(4) When access to the desired size must stop using the snow (the multiplication of the use of ice chest leads to gradual loss of sensation in the chest)
(5) recipe is discontinued in the event of any wounds or cracks in the chest


0 Mix honey and cinnamon treat

A mixture of honey and cinnamon or "mixture of honey and cinnamon" cure-..
It is a pharmacy to treat the majority of diseases

A mixture of honey and cinnamon or "mixture of honey and cinnamon" cure-.. It is a pharmacy to treat the majority of diseases

Honey treasure benefits it strengthens the immune system and certain diseases, it also retards aging and increases vitality and enhances its strength and efficiency in the face of ills different, and the truth of God Almighty when he said in the holy book, "wherein is healing for people," scientists have discovered contemporaries that combination honey unique and combines elements effective resistance of many diseases not have negative side effects, and also discovered that honey multiply the capacity to treat when mixed with cinnamon powder, and following are some diseases that can be cured by honey and cinnamon or a mixture of honey and cinnamon as researched by western scientists.

Heart disease:

Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread, instead of jam or jelly and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol in the blood vessels, and saves the patient from heart attack. If those who have already had an attack on this system, daily they injury are kept miles away. Regular use relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heart beat. Been in a number of nursing homes have treated patients in Canada and the United States use this (diet) successfully and have found that as you age and veins lose their flexibility and arteries to hone and spoons of honey and cinnamon can be cured.


Can for people with nervous eating a cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder morning and evening. If taken regularly even chronic neurological illness can be cured. In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon of honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that 73 patients out of two hundred were totally relieved within a week. Within a month, mostly all the patients who could not walk or move around because of arthritis started walking without pain.


Drink a cup of mixture tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water. This () kills the germs in the bladder.


Make a paste of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey and apply on the aching tooth. Repeat this process three times a day to get rid of the pain.


Shows that eating two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of cinnamon powder mixed in ten (ounces) of tea was found to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by ten percent within two hours. As mentioned for arthritic patients, if taken three times daily, is cured of chronic cholesterol. According to information received in the said Journal (Weekly World News) pure honey taken with food daily relieves complaints of cholesterol. They all taking cholesterol medicine, contain STATIN which weaken your muscles, including the heart. And none has been shown to stop heart attacks or strokes.

Colds (cold):

People who suffer from BLADDER common or severe they eat mix one teaspoon of honey and a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon powder daily for three days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold, and clear the sinuses.


Cinnamon powder and honey stomach ache and also clears stomach ulcers from the root.


According to the studies done in India and Japan, it is revealed that if honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas.


Honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey contains large amounts of vitamins and iron. Constant use of honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacterial and viral diseases.


Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals.


A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural ingredient which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu.


Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, it arrests the ravages of old age. Make a tea-based drink four spoons of honey, one spoon of cinnamon powder, and three cups of water. Drink a cup three times or four times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age, and life spans, and even reached the age of one hundred years old, starts performing the chores of a twenty years old.


Make a paste of three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root.

Skin infections:

Applying honey and cinnamon powder parts on the affected parts, cures eczema, ringworm (a contagious skin disease), and all types of skin infections.


Drinking a glass of boiling water with honey and cinnamon powder in half an hour before breakfast in the morning, and at night before sleeping, if taken regularly, reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.


Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that a full recovery from cancer of the stomach and bones Advanced have been completed successfully. Patients suffering from these kinds of cancer should daily take one tablespoon teaspoon of honey and one of cinnamon powder three times a day for a month.


Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more beneficial to the vitality of the body from harm. Senior citizens, who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts, are more alert and flexible. Says Dr. Milton, who has done research says that a half tablespoon of honey in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder, and at three o'clock in the afternoon when the vitality of the body starts to fall, increases the vitality of the body within a week.


People of South America Senior citizens of hot water and small Mlah of honey and cinnamon powder, first thing in the morning so their breath stays fresh good throughout the day.

Hearing loss:

Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts, the morning and evening every day may help restore hearing.

0 Honey lips soft as silk

Honey lips soft as silk

Honey lips soft as silk

Will not Thtagy to go to the doctor's office and treatment chemical and cosmetics you dear Trdoba lips with honey to get the full moist lips smooth, save you from cracks winter.

The pharmaceutical Hiltrod von der Gatin magazine instructions for older issued in Baerbrun German Occurrence lips to cracking during the winter, should moistened using care products containing beeswax, because this article takes care of lips gently and keeps the moisture for a long time.

As advised to stay away from lip lotions containing material Glycerin, where it causes the material in dry lips. Pointing out that the substance glycerin working on the transfer of moisture from the lower layers of the skin to the upper layers; causing dry lips with the passage of time.

0 Hazelnut mask to remove blackheads from a beautician secretary Shelbaieh

Hazelnut mask to remove blackheads from a beautician secretary Shelbaieh

Nut holder to remove blackheads from a beautician secretary Shelbaieh

Before what Tamli any mask must be done on clean skin until Inclusion mask Baattiyki sweet result and become all the freshness of your skin and shining.
- You must remove makeup for face Bmazil Special make-up of the face and of course eye makeup remover.
- After any mask must put your moisturizer cream, night cream or day cream.

This mask helps to purify pores and remove blackheads and prevent the appearance of freckles, pimples and restores balance to your skin again.


2 tablespoons hazelnuts.
2 tablespoons rosemary.
2 tablespoons honey.
1 tablespoon rose water.

Grinding nuts and mixed with honey and rosemary and rose water and placed on the skin and leave for half an hour and cleans with water and dried, and used this peeled twice a month.

0 Diet honey

Diet honey .. * LOSS recipe excellent download weight 3 kilos per week *
Diet honey .. * LOSS recipe excellent download weight 3 kilos per week *
Although the taste of honey is sweet and has a good amount of sugar but it plays an important role in weight loss, since it has many health benefits that provide adequate nutrition during diet is considered honey health component burn excess fat in the body and Anhvh quickly and inhibits appetite and thus reduces weight.

Valesl food simple can be followed without much effort to burn fat and better utilize it with diet with drinking lots of water and avoid fatty foods to get the best results and can be used honey in diet that reduces the amount of Saratha thermal Splenda Vmalqh honey small contain on 90 calories and for the individual who maintains the weight needs to be spoon or two tablespoons of honey a day because of its high nutritional value As an individual who follows a feeding program for weight loss Evger allowed to eat honey only if the program diet contains honey because eating honey quantities unnecessarily large can lead to weight gain

Honey with hot water helps to burn body fat and weight loss without much effort to be taken one tablespoon in the morning before eating any food on an empty stomach

Honey and lemon can be used as a natural weight loss by drinking honey with lemon juice and warm water every morning on an empty stomach in terms of energy and activity and weight loss

Honey and cinnamon helps to lose weight in an effective manner and body fat-free cup of boiling water with a teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey in the morning before breakfast and one last before going to sleep Valesl and cinnamon interact superbly and contribute first to improve digestion and thus prevented stockpile big fat harmful Secondly honey and cinnamon help you to burn some fat and a sense of satiety have shown recently that eating a cup of cinnamon boiled with some honey in the morning contribute to the alleviation sense of hunger during the rest of the day and contribute to burning more and more calories that are addressed day and thus help you lose weight in a natural way

Honey controlled hunger where you can add a few drops of honey in a glass of skim milk and believed that honey taken before food reduces appetite and thus help to Splenda The food helps to increase the weight like sweets with a big difference in the nutritional value and health

- If you want to put honey in your food you add a few drops in the low-fat yogurt and be healthy side dish with breakfast

- Most employers diet prefer much presence as a kind of natural sweetener in fruit salads pouring honey in fruit salad and your obtained snack healthy if the food program contains honey because eating honey unnecessarily lead to weight gain, the honey bee by prices more calories than sugar example tablespoon sugar by 70 kcal The outstanding natural honey contains a two 90-priced thermal

Diet honey to lose 3 kilos per week
First: a mixture of honey and cinnamon in a cup of boiling water 30 minutes before eating breakfast and nationalist so again before bedtime as this mix helps with weight loss and prevents the accumulation of fat

Second: your food section to four meals per day are as follows:
- First day: 2 brown toast + 3 teaspoons honey + ½ cup skim milk repeat this meal 4 times a day
- Day Two: 2 brown toast + cheese Quraish + fruit option + a cup of tea or Nescafe without sugar are eating this meal 4 times daily
Repeat the previous meals alternately for a period of 6 days and on the seventh day eating what you love to eat, but stopped taking food at seven o'clock pm if you feel hungry between meals you can eat soft drinks without sugar or fruit
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