Tuesday, August 14, 2012

0 Calendula officinalis

Calendula officinalis

What is Azeris and benefits and Mdharalodhiraon?.
Is one of chrysanthemum plants and is considered of the most popular plants used in the West and known as pot marigold and scientifically as calendula officinalis vehicle of the platoon. The user part of the Azeris is beautiful orange flowers form and the original home of this plant is in southern Europe.

It herbaceous plant grows in the orchards and roads parties, and has a high leg 40 of 60 centimeters, and serrated leaves are oval parties and covered with minute hairs, and flowers yellow or orange color.

Azeris plant contains materials terpene resin materials and Gelokozydat once and essential oils and Sterolat and phenols and fluid materials and Korotonz.
Calendula MARIGOLD perennial plant gardens height of up to about 60 cm, has bright orange flowers like chrysanthemum flowers in their order.
Original home of Calendula gardens: native to southern Europe and is grown in the temperate regions of the world. And usually grows spontaneously in orchards and roads parties.

User segment: blooming flowers and plants soft before you open flowers. The plant flowers strong foul odor.

Known as Calendula other names, such as parks Qoqahan Zubaydah and Kahla. Either scientifically is defined as CALENDULA OFFICNALI vehicle of the platoon.

What are the contents of chemical?
Contain flowers and plants on Sabotinat triple turbine by between 2 to 10% and Gelokozydat a, b, c, d, e, g, a kind of either mono or Bseidimosziedk or Aanolik lion Gelaako Zaidz. It also features a triple-alcoholic turbines which are numerous and well flavonoids by 03 to 08% and include Oazothaji and Kuerstan. It also features a Korotonidat and the most important compound Iotin Zaakthen. As well as contain Diyderuxtkumarin such Scopulitin Ampelifordn and Askiolten. As well as the volatile oil percentage, 02%, and the most important Composite Alvakadenol, as well as multi-material sugars and fluid materials and resin materials.

What did he say about seniors?
Calendula gardens is the most popular herbs and has multiple uses in herbal medicine European Fbtalath brightly excellent treatment of the skin inflamed and swollen where they help their antiseptic properties and therapeutic in reducing the spread of infection and speed up the healing and flowers also cleaner and removing toxins.

He was said David Antioch in his ticket "purifies the brain, chest, guts, and vermin out of the abdomen and the house and flee from him where she was, especially flies. Heartbreaking gravel and generates waste, and falls Alognih even caught by pregnant a short period of time, fit the teeth, gargling and mother of boys. Go dropsy and spleen, jaundice never, joints and pigs coating.

He said his son Bitar at the University of "people who claimed that a pregnant woman if Omskth her hands in place one over the other, won him great harm fetal severe, if perpetuated cought and Achtmamh dropped fetus. Said that tobacco smoke escapes from Alvirran and deployment. If drinking one hundred four dirhams vomited strongly, and make a response in the position deserted him flies. And may ligature lower back Anaz Aanaaza average, and if Astat Basarp origin prevent toothache including analyzes of defense of the sputum. It is said that the origin "root" if commented benefit from chains, and barren women if Ahtmmelth conceived.

Ibn Sina said "Azeris hot in the third crusty and where Trellaekaya and strengthens the heart but it tends mood Spirit his anger without joy side. Benefit from disease fox vinegar powder, ashes vinegar sciatica, benefit of all toxins and especially Alldog.

It benefits large rotting treatment for wounds and sores incurable.

What did he say about modern medicine?
Research has shown that Azeris anti-inflammatory, muscle spasm and dried clutch, anti-bleeding wound and blamed and antiseptic, poisons the body remover generator estrogen nice. As resins which antifungal and antibacterial and viruses. He also caught capillaries and this explains the effectiveness of wounds and varicose veins and various inflammatory conditions. Used flowers to treat wounds rotting sores incurable and sores varicose and bed sores "It sores that occur in the sitz or shoulders or heel when the disease and especially the elderly who are forced disease to stay in bed for a long time lying on their backs, and fistula repair and congestion in the toes of the impact of exposure to cold and cracked nipples and hands and all of these injuries treated ointment made from flowers Azeris.

And how to make the ointment is mashed plant flowers that was fresh, crushed flowers were dry and mixed with goat butter is salted and then uses paint. Also, plant flowers treated skin cancers. As used boiled flowers plant that contain the hormone sexy for the treatment of ED in males and boiled itself generates menstruation in women and removes its accompanying pain, that drink before menstruation expected eight days, and is said to drink boiled flowers Azeris and long relieves uterine cancer, The dose method is to take full teaspoon of flowers Azeris and is added to fill the cup of boiling water and leave to cool and then give him a tablespoon every two hours. The Azeris of the best recipes of Dermatology, where used as a good treatment for burns and wounds and skin infections and against burning sun as well as the rash.

Also, scientific studies have proven its effect on the digestive system has been used dye Azeris as well as boiled against infections, including duodenal ulcers, bowel and colon. Azeri is also a good cleanser for the liver and gall bladder and can be used to treat the problems for those members. Also, this plant can be used in the organization of menstruation and relieve her pain and light bleeding after normal vaginal shower can be done in the case of vaginal infections.

Calendula oil is used parks effective antidote for fungal infections, as petals used externally to treat some skin infections.
It is used in the treatment of many diseases of women, especially inflammation of the vagina and nipple cracks, and works as an organizer of menstruation and bearing yellow, and uses emulsion for a long time in the treatment of cancer of the uterus.
Which is used to make ointment handles congestion in the toes resulting from exposure to cold, and treatment of cracks hands.
The emulsion is used to contain floral sexual hormone to treat sexual impotence in males.
Soaked bandage plant teas are then placed on slow healing wounds or varicose ulcers.
Addition of 5 10 points of Azeris oil to bath water to treat anxiety and nervous depression.

Is there Azeri products from the plant?
Yes, there is a cream and jelly rate of 7%, 10%, 4% ointment and eye solution and dye and shampoo.


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