Tuesday, August 14, 2012

0 Herbal treatment of hormone milk

Herbal treatment of hormone milk .. * Herbal treatment prolactin *

Is a hormone secreted by a small gland in the brain called the pituitary gland .. It causes out milk from breast girl unmarried and a woman's breasts for several years after the end of lactation and show signs clearly before menstruation and feel here women congestion and the weight of the breasts seeks women that wearing a bra for less congestion and pressure on the nipple flow of breast milk ..
(And must learn something important to the continued repetition of the nipple between age and last day lead to the secretion of milk for a long time)

There is something else, which is that some women suffer from the illusion became or waswasah be diagnosed with breast cancer they remain a day doing breast self-examination and throughout sitting massaged in her breast perhaps find something! This one of the reasons for the induction of prolactin in breast!

No milk hormone (prolactin) certain levels in the blood and the normal rate of milk hormone in the blood ranges from 3 to 30 nano grams / ml and continue for a period ranging between 50-60 minutes.
(Note that the variable rate of this hormone in the blood)
But usually increases the secretion of pituitary hormone naturally in pregnancy and childbirth.

Reasons for the high hormone milk:

- The imbalance of hormones or scaled Ngerfi.
- A benign tumor in the brain.
- Nipple fondling significantly during the process of sexual intercourse.
- Taking certain medications such as birth control pills, blood pressure treatment, psychiatric medication, depression, nausea drugs.
- Drink some herbs such as: circuit, fire (nettle), Alqntrion Anbari, fennel
- Anxiety and stress which affects the level of the hypothalamus in the brain and lead to the secretion of milk and this happens in the case of psychological crises and emotional and behavioral disorders.
- Wear some clothes that are narrow breast nipples pressing and Thrdahma! Such tight bra and wear woolen clothes directly on the body without a bra.
- And, of course, some organic diseases such as faulty or underactive thyroid and others.
- Damage to the spinal cord or a direct hit in the chest and the chest wall.
- Chronic problems in the kidney or liver cirrhosis.


This is a recipe of herbs to treat high hormone milk:
50 g veins dyers
50 g Calendula gardens
50 g Miramah
50 g anise
50 g responded Gori
Grinding everyone well, taking into account equitable distribution during mixing and taken a small teaspoon and placed in a glass of water and pours boiling water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach and evening half an hour before bedtime.


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