Monday, August 27, 2012

0 The therapeutic benefits of cumin

The therapeutic benefits of cumin

The latency of the most popular spices known to Arabic cuisine, and is used extensively with seafood of all kinds, giving it a savory taste endearing. The latency and therapeutic health benefits, make you not Tstgnin presence in your home, get to know the most important:

- Addresses the latency eye infections, and calms irritation, by boiling and then rinsing.

- Soak a little of it in a cup of boiling water with a lemon cut in rings, and then drink the water in the morning on an empty stomach, which helps in the fight against obesity.

- An anti-oxidant, which makes protective against atherosclerosis, and cancer tumors, according to what has been proven by researchers at the Indian Institute of Central Food Research Technology.

- Rich in vitamins (C, any, any), and is among the most widely used ten plants popular medical كعلاجات on the world.

- Cummins contains many important nutrients, such as iron, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, B6, zinc, and potassium.

- Eating latency provides the body a high proportion of monounsaturated fat, useful in controlling the ratio of LDL cholesterol, and prevent cardiovascular and cerebral.

- According to dietary fiber found cumin in reducing the absorption of sugar from food, and impeding the absorption of cholesterol, and to facilitate the passage of food waste out of the body.

- Medical studies confirm the ability of Cummins to improve the digestion of food, and reduce the chances of the gases, which increases the ability of gastric secretion of digestive juices.


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