Saturday, August 11, 2012

0 Benefits of bramble

Benefits of bramble

Bramble  Benefits of bramble

 Bramble is a perennial shrub wheel reaches a height of about two meters .. His wooden legs branched, branches zigzag and overlapping .. Leaves are small and simple with a green color tends to yellow and there are leaves on the side of Hucktan Hadtan These poisonous thorns .. Single flowers come out in the opposite side of the group leaves a bell-shaped .. White flowers tend to be blue .. Blueberry fruit pulp color green .. And at maturity changes to a red color, sweet taste, are eaten .. Contains many seeds and seed shape Mndgueth kidney and brown.

Bramble known by several names including: castle, Ausjh, and grapes, Dib.

Is also known scientifically as bramble Lycium shawi

Spreading bramble in places sandy flats and coastal sedimentary gravel and land is concentrated in Najd and Hijaz and influence, and southern and eastern areas of the Kingdom.

The chemical content: contains flavonoids and plant materials Afsih sterols and turbines and three .. It also contains manganese, nickel, copper, chromium, Molobdam .. It also contains alkaloids and sugars and acid Alheidrossia Nick and contains fruit on Zee Zantin.

Uses: The leaf of the bramble plants known for thousands of years has been David said Antioch in the bramble, "It vindicates all other eye diseases, and especially white feet, how to use, and blends Bouapad eggs, milk or women .. Root and stop the cooking or absolve leprosy, experienced .. If it cut Tamoda liquid sores, scabies, itching and effects even if the henna dyed his hair a hundred and kneaded it .. It grows hair .. And fruit as well as in all of the .. And removes ashes sores .. Which is detrimental to the spleen and Alkthira fix it. "Said Abu Khaled Almttabb in his manuscript" to rely on drugs and individual strengths and benefits of "The bramble useful for mouth sores and pain cavity, and the weakness of the stomach .. If the era of fruit juice and leave to dry and freeze, then add to egg whites and milk of women and then dripping into the eye and beneficial to all eye pain, especially of white .. And if you eat the fruit of hemoptysis benefited ..

Root and bramble, heartbreaking gravel generated in the kidney .. It also is useful in the treatment of leprosy bramble. "Says Majid Mahmud of Iraq at the bramble," The plant is useful in the treatment of colic, diuretic and laxative of the abdomen, contains a tonic aphrodisiac, and in large doses Sam ".. Miller says that "the bramble leaf love beauty and sponsored by the binge, and the goats and cows do not eat Khaddrth enthusiastically, not only when sponsored by the rare presence are rich sources of the other ..

The plant is a bramble wood for fuel as well not only emit a small amount of smoke .. In northern Oman grind soft fruits and plants, and make them extract used to reduce colic and to improve visual acuity. The fruits are eaten as a painkiller and to treat disorders of the stomach. " Miller adds that the ancient Alogariqh recommended the use bramble in healing the skin that are on the eyelids and the treatment of contaminated gum .. And cracks that affect the lips, and to treat dysentery, anemia and cough.

Says Turkmenistan (694 AH) in the bramble, "and that the green paper is used in the treatment of soft and red ant, and the juice and paper if the paper with water until Sbouk Thickening and is being held, and kept from burning, benefit from the whites of the eyes Alobeian .. If watered with water and zinc sheet made refrigerate the eye, and benefited from slavery .. If I drank Asarth benefited from biliary scabies, and if the age of one hundred and may, henna and knead it, knead it and then benefit from the itching and scabies .. And if millet Bogsana expel vermin .. If age and may in the eye of one hundred seven consecutive days use of white of the eye was an old or new. "

Jabr says in the book "Healing in plants" bramble that is useful in the treatment of constipation, so that the added amount of 20 km from the leaves of the bramble to a liter of water has been boiled and then left for ten minutes and drink of that cup a day .. Says Akil and his colleagues from Saudi Arabia, said the fruit-bearing core flow, nourish the blood, bleeding hemorrhoids are useful in scabies and dental pain .. Juice leaves the optimizer to consider the power .. The fruits are useful in strengthening the sexuality of men. " The recent studies, says that the fruits of the bramble protect the liver from damage resulting from exposure to toxins .. According to recent studies also that the roots of a plant bramble reduce blood pressure .. As I said kind of modern research that the roots of a significant effect on reducing fever has worked clinical study and gave excellent results in reducing fever and malaria in particular .. Another study says that the fruits of the kind Ausj strengthens the liver and kidneys.


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