Saturday, August 11, 2012

0 Herbs and vegetable fat solvent (dissolving fat - melt the fat)

Herbs and vegetable fat solvent (dissolving fat - melt the fat)

Fat solvents Fat solvents

Was out of date: If the food is bad, no use of medication and when food is healthy there is no need for medication

Monotonous life, progress, and the blessings that God bestowed on us if it did not take them the right way to be a disaster for us.
I have discovered many of those who make their diagnosis of pupillary that the proportion of high-fat and have been unmistakable in the form of the iris was compelled to point out some natural methods to melt the fat which is not possible and Balsabh obtained and are available too, with an explanation of how to use.
Before entering the heart of the matter must define some terms or the rumors on the lips of a lot of people are:

1. Tonic: Any food fight fatigue and stress and provide the body the activity it calls this label.
2. Generator to heat: Any food raises body temperature therefore it helps to burn fat instead of storing fuel.
3. Diuretic: Any food or drink is working on the removal of excess water stored in the body therefore it works to reduce body weight resulting from water stored in the cells of the body.
4. Remover of toxicity: Any food rids the body of toxins and working to clean the liver of his poison then your liver becomes clean, ready for active work Khariq of fat.
5. Removal of cholesterol: Is the food or drink which works to rid the body of cholesterol and the balance between good and bad cholesterol.
6. Counterweight to the blood sugar: is the food or drink which works to balance the sugar therefore it helps to control appetite and prevent fat storage that are part of insulin resistance.
7. Dissolving fat: What does this word? Or what the correct definition of it? Is it to lose weight or just cleaning the liver? Indeed, the correct definition it is: clean the liver of toxins to become active helps you burn excess fat and not store it when it is contaminated with toxins every system the correct working to dissolve the fat or the so-called Dietmen League must be based on cleaning the liver, stimulate blood circulation, eating foods that help dissolving the fat and stored by the body usually in the hips, thighs, and buttocks.

Beverages and oils that melt fat and cleanse the liver of toxins:

Apple cider vinegar (remover of toxicity, remover of cholesterol, tonic):
We can say that apple cider vinegar good solvent for fats and helps you to get rid of excess weight at the same time activates the metabolism in the body, and it contains a high content of potassium, which helps to transport nutrients to cells and remove toxic substances, how are beta-carotene contained in apple cider vinegar to rid the body of free radicals, which in turn is working on the destruction of fat, protein, and even DNA.
How to eat: either spray on the authorities or by mixing with water and drink it, provided that it does not exceed the rate of two tablespoons a day.

Linseed (remover of cholesterol, balancing blood sugar, remover of toxicity):
The right of his name the Latin understanding of its usefulness for hypnotize Aozettitiseyoum (most useful) contains the proportion of fixed oil a high of 30 40% and is a rich source of material for Egnan which estrogens plant is working to fight cancers, to remove the virus and reduces insulin resistance, is a cleanser for the intestines, works to balance blood sugar and reduce the absorption of cholesterol.
How to eat: Quantity allowed per day tablespoons small Mtahontan preferably in the two apart.

Linseed oil or so-called hot oil (remover of cholesterol, tonic, balancing blood sugar, remover of toxicity.

Is an oil extracted from flax seeds as a proportion of from 30 to 40% and as is obvious to one containing a set of Omega 3 which is the fatty acids essential and the lack of this group (Omega 3) non-delivery signal to the brain and in particular to the appetite center that you ate then your eat more than you need this in terms of the other hand, works to slow down the metabolism enters the body more calories increases weight, on the other hand strengthens the substance serotonin in the brain, which keeps about depression and its consequences.
How to eat: either spray on the authorities, beans, chickpeas, a rate of two tablespoons per day in two extended intervals.

Citric acid (cholesterol-remover, remover of toxicity, Diuretic, generator temperature):
Right you could call a hospital lemon as it is rich in shell, and seed, and the fat and juice, is the largest solvent for fats, making it liquid in order to dispose of the body easily, anti-oxidants, contains a high content of vitamin C, helps in metabolism, tonic for the bitterness and liver purifier of venom, is generating Puglia, and contains vitamin B6 and potassium, and calcium, magnesium and folate. As it is useful to the problem of wife and Tznk sperm, as it is considered somewhat of a wizard of some skin diseases, light syrup and mixed with olive oil is a powerful solvent of kidney stones on an empty stomach before bedtime.
How to eat: eating a lemon allows only one day, or juice, and sprinkled on the authorities.

Vegetables that melt fat and purifies the liver from toxic
We can say that members of the family crusade of the most important vegetables in terms of getting rid of fat containing sulfur that will work on expanding the arteries and veins and cleaned of fat.

Asparagus (Diuretic, remover of toxins):
Working to combat water retention body so rich in potassium and is poor in sodium and contains an amino acid (included in the speed up metabolism what prevents and dissolves fat) derived from the name Halonen helps to prevent fatigue, contains a substance lanolin works to feed the beneficial bacteria in the large intestine, is also a good source of material as glutathione eliminates free radicals, also contains vitamin AC
How to eat: cooked on steam, or eat half a cup of juice per week.

Broccoli (cholesterol-remover, remover of toxicity, a counterweight to the blood sugar):
Belongs to the family crusade, famous for its proximity to vitamin c, fiber, potassium, folic acid works to promote some of the enzymes, which in turn helps to purify the body of toxins, especially the prevention of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, hypertension and purification of the liver from toxins, which in turn works not to store fat in the body.
Broccoli contains a high percentage of fiber, including pectin fiber, which in turn combines with bile acid which prevents the release of cholesterol in the blood, and the broccoli is rich with chromium metal, which may be effective in the prevention of diabetes.
How to eat: cooked by steaming or with soup or juice of 3-5 cups a week, Nia with the Authority.

Cabbage and cauliflower (remover of toxicity, tonic, remover of cholesterol, balancing blood sugar):
Belongs to the family crusade, famous for its proximity to vitamin c, fiber, potassium, folic acid works to promote some of the enzymes, which in turn helps to purify the body of toxins (containing cabbage on the important elements are the Asalaforavan and indole) as they are an effective role in the prevention of cancer, and diabetes , and heart disease, osteoporosis, hypertension and purification of the liver from toxins, which in turn works to not store fat in the body.
There is also the cabbage anti-bacterial properties as it works to treat ulcers Cabbage also contains the amino acid Alglutamen which feeds the cells, which extends in the stomach and small intestine, this acid is also working to heal the ulcer.
How to eat: ½ cup juice to a cup a week or Nia with the Authority.

Pumpkin (remover of cholesterol, balancing blood sugar):
Of the platoon cucurbitina contains vitamins and minerals are many, works to fight the changes like cancer cells, the olive oil in the treatment of prostate anti-oxidants and inflammation, working on the absorption of fat from the blood, is working to amend the sugar in the blood helps to overcome insulin resistance, mineral potassium works to reduce blood pressure.
How to eat: steam cooked, juice cup, within one week.

Tomatoes (remover of cholesterol, sugar balancer, tonic):
Tomatoes contain many vitamins including A, C removing the articles of oxidation in the body as it works to eliminate the free radicals do not forget the tomatoes, it contains three important that maintains the integrity of the heart (potassium, vitamin B6 and folate) also contain lycopene, where he works to reduce the rate of cholesterol in the body.
How to eat: There are several ways not obvious to a syrup and a day does not have any side effects.

Squash (remover of toxins, remover of toxicity):
Belongs squash the species cucurbitina, contain a vitamin high A, B6, C and the minerals potassium, magnesium, folate and Alibovlavi and fiber, protect against atherosclerosis, diabetes, heart disease, where potassium is located where the works to reduce the risk of heart attacks and reduces potassium hardening of the arteries and helps vitamin B6 and folate, the fragmentation of material Alhumustien a substance causing heart disease.
How to eat: There are several ways which are obvious to one and a day as desired.

Fruits solvent for fats and purifying the liver toxicity:
There are many fruits that melt fat, including but not limited to: apples, all Altuteat, peaches.

Herbs and spices, dissolving fats and purifying the liver to feature:
Anise, red pepper, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cumin, dill, mustard, Schumer, garlic, ginger. Proposed combination to melt fat: mustard, ginger, red pepper, cinnamon, anise, Schumer.
Preparation: equal proportions of the elements mentioned grind well and packaged in 500 mg capsules.
Usage: Capsule is taken after each meal, or taken in the form of powdered (immediately followed by a teaspoon with water).
How the structure:
1. The first four items are considered in the temperature of the fourth degree and that means when the food we eat turns into blood, then your works to melt the fat during the feeding of the cells.
2. Anise: Works on dissolving mucus deposited in the body, which constitutes a large proportion of the obese patient by many of the people melted If this mucus is easy on the body get rid of it.
3. Comr: Diuretic is the largest and the Bank of liquids and reckless excess fat from the body's need.

which prevents ulcer patients, with sensitivity of the stomach, pregnant women.

One last tip: You need a lot of vegetables and fruits in our meals, especially leafy ones such as wheat descent, germinated fenugreek, lettuce, radishes, onions, watercress.


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