Saturday, August 11, 2012

0 Benefits Sindros

Benefits Sindros

Sindros   Benefits Sindros

 Sindros anti-bacteria and tobacco smoke relieves rheumatism and gout

Sindros material is resin-like gum to a large extent, and produced by the plant twigs and branches based in the peel. The plant is a shrub Sindros with leaves opposite curved at its top to the bottom and flowers at the end of the twigs of the plant and there are Sindros female plant and the last male and female flowers smaller than the male.

The original home for girls, especially North Africa in Morocco and Algeria. Sindros plant known scientifically as Tetraclinis Articulata.

* What are the chemical contents?

- Contains gum Sindros to about 95% fatty acids the most important bilateral turbine Albimrek acid and acid and acid Alcalatrelik Sandrasenic Alsandrasenaulak acid and acid and acid Alsandarakulik Alcalatrizink. It also contains material time rate of volatile oil, 13% and the most important compounds Algaubita Baanin and limonene and Taymokoiynon.

* What did he say about ancient medicine?

- Said of him, Yitzhak Ben-Omran, "gum-like electricity but it is my land and it is nothing of the gallbladder (electricity is a gum nut turkey).

Says David, of Antioch, "Sindros dryer and the doctrine of common brain asthma and chest pain and self, spleen, nerves and menstrual blood and imprisonment, diarrhea, and lives toothaches and sore gums and keeps to what each fall. If boiled in oil in the ear, Qatar housing eased the pain and deafness. Benefit in Alakhal, Wiesel, ulcers, white Thrush about the experience. Removes sputorum curiosity, worms, asthma, Navd, if scattering on wounds Ahamha, if by evaporation with sugar cut colds influenza in his time. Removes hemorrhoids, boil the almonds until toughen rinsing and plating on the subject of any cracks in the Azhbh. The crushed sugar, sulfur, tar and knead by plating on Alqwaba removed by, experimenter. Remember to drink wrestlers stature and their nerves. Obese if they take him with Alexanajabin Hzloa much.

Fat is called lipid Alswaba a user in the fat wood ceilings and the likes, it is a charming effects and pasting all the wounds and repair the stool and the tumors and scabies Alnoasir cavernous old. If Sindros finely crushed and immersion oil on the fire to end the estimated two weeks in a position does not smell the smell pregnant it drops embryos.

The Ibn Sina in the law says: "his property that he locked up the blood and use it to hide and the gladiators prevailed, if you drink it every day, three-quarters of the AED in water and Skenjben he hide his body, Bajafv Alnoasir if smoked it. Prevents the chaos and smoke his behalf in the placement of a toothache is not a very great thing amend them, and fit the gums. Galloway effects evident in the eye and quickly recover from visual impairment if Dave Akthal and drink it. Benefit from the palpitations, and prevents bleeding from the blood, and prevent asthma. Watered it Almtaholon Vinfhm, good for chronic diarrhea, and tobacco smoke benefit from hemorrhoids. "

As Ibn Al-Bitar says: "If you smoked it Alnoasir dry, benefit from the common cold Dkhnth benefit of hemoptysis, hemorrhoids drink. The scattering on the sores dry, his benefit from flu and bleeding, if mixing rinsing offline even toughen the benefit of discord chronic Allowagl in the flesh the object of the hands and feet, either Ghaafiqi says: "If you crush Odhir on the liver of goats and grilled on the fire and Akthal pus which flows from it benefit of the membrane, if the drinking water of honey Turn the Tmt, urine, if the diameter of the eye effects of Gela, a fitter. Prevent smoke and chaos of a locked position of the blood was drunk. "

What did he say about modern medicine?

- Found that the gum Sindros anti-bacteria and tobacco smoke reduces the pain Alrmatzm edema, gout, and use the last known since the nineteenth century is also used to treat diarrhea and fever.

Do you like Sindros Anzrut or time or Ferula?

Sindros does not resemble any of the preceding articles Valsndros is a resinous material while only Anzrut resinous material is a resin with some metal, and the bitter is a homogeneous mixture of three substances are volatile oil and resin materials and resins, as well as Ferula, but it contains sulfur. The effects of the above is very different among them.

Does Senderos side effects?

- Yes, side effects if used randomly and must be drawn to the dose at which no more than 300 grams, divided into three doses per day.


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