Friday, August 10, 2012

0 The qualities of a natural increases the amount of breast milk in nursing and works to milk yield

The qualities of a natural increases the amount of breast milk in nursing and works to milk yield

The qualities of a natural increases the amount of breast milk in nursing and works to milk yield

 Patience or figs :: He has many names such as patience or figs or Albrashwm Who does not know it is a fruit summer delicious and frequently Alberhom in Taif, Al Baha and Abha and all mountain regions, where a nursing mother eat three dates of Albrashwm after a meal directly in all meals, as the fruits of Alberhom generate milk well, and should patients sugar not eat Alberhom because it is sugar, and the mother can to squeeze Alberhom and drink from it fill the cup after each meal. directly and all meals, as the fruits of Alberhom generate milk well, and should patients sugar not eat Alberhom because it is sugar, and the mother can to squeeze Alberhom and drink from it fill the cup after each meal.

The circuit :We talked about it much and are used by taking a full teaspoon of fenugreek seeds as they are and Tnqaha fill in a cup of water for 12 hours and then deal with the track soaked with her water before feeding, half an hour, and can buy oil ring, which is in stores some Attarine unsophisticated, especially in the Egypt area under the quarter Alhamzawi large and small in Cairo and method of use of the oil to be taken 20 points during the day full and can be scaled to 30 points, distributed on three prescriptions per day and the points can be added to drinking water and can be dealt with separately, but not on an empty stomach.

Basil : The seeds and leaves of basil-generating milk and taken to fill a tablespoon of a mixture of minced seeds and basil leaves in a cup and then fill with boiling water then stir well and leave covered for 10 minutes and then drink afterwards at a rate of one cup after each meal. Covered for 10 minutes and then drink afterwards at a rate of cup one after each meal.

Fennel :Fennel or Triple known that fennel-bearing milk and taken the form of boiling, where are placed to fill a teaspoon of fennel seeds in a real-time, then add it to fill a glass of water and placed on low heat until boiling and let boil for two minutes, then remove from the fire and set aside to cool then Strain and drink one cup come ready after meals and can sweeten with sugar and this recipe is also good for digestion, fennel contains material rich and good for milk, including vitamins a, B, C, and minerals calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron.

Radish :Radish roots known municipal and red table and addressed the nursing mother uses a number of red heads with meals is the milk yield and appetite for food.

Caraway :Caraway fruits used to generate small where milk is taken to fill a teaspoon of crushed fruits are added to the arena, and then fill the cup of boiling water and cover and simmer for ten minutes and then drink a cup of tepid rate after lunch and another after dinner. The caraway is used boiled Kersh be clean and healing vaginal infections

Clover :The branches of the great fresh alfalfa lucrative materials used for milk and fresh young clover that grows after harvesting and a length of about 15 cm where it is eaten watercress package as a package, where he works Kmqo. Lowers sugar and milk-bearing .

Mustard :Mustard is the famous Balmstrdh used Kvath seeds of appetite, with mustard paste is added to a meal, but the mustard leaf is the part used for chewing, where warm oneself fresh leaves and placed on the breast milk lucrative Kkmadat Vtdr well.

Lentils:Who among us does not know lentils, but many people do not know his secrets handled breastfeeding women drink of lentils mixed with lemon juice fresh, working Kmgveh and tonic is usually used consistently in the months following the birth, lentils, milk yield are felt, and the amount taken from the lentils every day is a dish soup and only one a day, works as a mild laxative lentils .

Anise, caraway, fennel :Mix the fruits of anise, caraway, fennel, all of one species used Kmadrh good for the milk and the way to be taken from each of these fruits to fill a teaspoon and then placed all in the cup, then add them boiling water until it is filled the cup and then leave covered for 15 minutes then strain and drink the rate of cup after breakfast and last after lunch and another after dinner every day and this recipe is one of the best recipes for lucrative milk.

Milk :Milk is the same generating a nursing mother, where you must deal with every day amounted to three cups of cow's milk and, if possible, be from the milk of the camel is much better and should not increase the rate of milk, where the increase occurs diarrhea, but if the mother's breastfeeding constipation not increase the amount of damage from the milk of the amount stipulated.

Islands :Used to generate the seeds of the islands where the milk is taken to fill four tablespoons of the seeds of the islands are placed in a liter of water and boil on low heat and drink from the mix half a cup three times a day on consecutive doses, as this recipe yield milk.



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