Monday, August 27, 2012

0 Treatment of gastric acidity without drugs The good qualities

Treatment of gastric acidity without drugs .. The good qualities

 Treatment of gastric acidity without drugs .. The good qualities

To move away from the medical drugs as long as the alternative exists .. Acidity is the problem we face a lot and today we will put her treatment by the Food and that we can be prepared at home and recipes are:

The first recipe:

- Peeling potato and then cut to small pieces and squeeze it with a piece of gauze and then add an equal amount of water to potato juice output and drink slowly.

Second recipe:

- Boil 50 g of licorice in a liter of water for 10 minutes and then left soaked for 5 or 6 hours and eating 3 cups of this boiled every day for 3 weeks and renews this treatment after 10 days, but be careful not to address the licorice that you suffer from high blood pressure.

The third recipe:

- Mixing two sheets of Iceberg lettuce (Capucci) electric Balkhalat with the amount of ice water and drink this juice thick green leisurely.

0 Treatment idle and lazy thyroid herbal

Treatment idle and lazy thyroid herbal

Treatment of hypothyroidism herbal
Dr. Jaber bin Salem Al Qahtani

The thyroid hormone vital metabolic organized in every cell of the body, which is why When the amount of hormone secretion less than required cause serious impacts which is called hypothyroidism disease.

 What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?

It is not easy to notice the first symptoms, and may be disregarded, and common symptoms such as fatigue increased, drowsiness and muscle weakness, lethargy, depression, headaches, low body temperature and the sensitivity of abnormal cold weather and low sexual desire and difficulty in reducing weight and dry skin with pain menstrual cycle of women, and the slow response and swelling thyroid and repeated infections and loss of appetite, low heart rate, and the descent of secretions of the structure of the breasts and cramps and dehydration and skin flakes, and the emergence of yellow orange in the skin, especially in the palms of hands, and protrusions yellow eyelids, hair loss, including eyebrows, and constipation, and slow to talk , and should be made, swollen eyelids and goiter.

The most common symptoms are fatigue and inability to tolerate cold, if a person always feels cold while around him feel the heat may suffer from a drop in activity of the thyroid gland.

The ranges of hypothyroidism in the intensity of the simple kind with limited symptoms is observed to severe acute kind that threatens the patient's life and called Maxidama or Alkhozb. Many causing allergies may actually be causing thyroid disorders.

Where is the thyroid gland?

The thyroid gland is located in the neck, under and behind the Adam's apple exactly dependent production of hormones on three things are available from the mineral iodine, and the safety of the gland itself, and the amount of the hormone as a catalyst of the thyroid gland (TSH) in the body. This hormone secreted by the pituitary gland in the center of the brain. The greater the level of stimulating hormone of the thyroid gland (TSH) in the blood, increased depending his level thyroid hormone until there is balance, and if were not thyroid function efficiently, the pituitary gland secretes more hormone catalyst of the thyroid gland in an attempt to correct the situation, considered thyroid thermostat internal body which regulates the temperature by secreting Hormonan يتحكمان in how quickly burn body calories and use of energy, if spawned gland lot of thyroid hormone led to a state overactive thyroid gland, and if spawned a little of it, this has led to a situation deficiencies in thyroid activity .

Thyroid disease affects more than 6 million Americans.

An 8-fold in women subjected men to the disease as it spreads significantly older women in particular, believes that Hashimoto's disease Hashimotos Disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism common. And get the body thyroid hormone allergy. The Hashimoto's disease is a common cause of goitre in adults.

There is a cure for hypothyroidism of herbs and dietary supplements are the most prominent of these herbs:

Alfoks Kelp: a moss green pulp is brownish rise about one meter, has fronds flat complex containing airbags, native coast north Atlantic and western Mediterranean and combines throughout the year, part used grass full and contains phenols and polyhedra Alscrid and metals, especially metal iodine , where the rate to 0.1% iodine and polyhedra Alscrid stimulant of the immune system, is used herb Alfoks as an antidote for hypothyroidism, where the plant metabolic rate to increase the production of thyroid hormones.

Urologist advised James Balch, who holds a doctorate in medicine and his wife, Phyllis, a certified nutrition advisory strongly Ansahan using Alfoks (kelp) for the treatment of hypothyroidism.

There regulated products (drugs) are sold in health food stores, and should not be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Recipe of herbs to stimulate the thyroid and treatment of hypothyroidism:

This recipe herbal composite of Dr. Jaber Al-Qahtani is to treat thyroid consists of plant gentian with red pepper chili with moss Irish with Alfoks vesiculitis (plant nautical) in addition to the plant Sbal where mix equal amounts of herbs mentioned and taken them to fill a teaspoon added to fill the cup boiling water and leave 10 minutes then drain and drink an average of 3 times a day .. It must for those who have blood clotting and takes some blood مسيلات not use this recipe.

0 Lettuce benefit pregnant women

Lettuce benefit pregnant women

Italian study showed that the lettuce of the most important sources rich in folic acid is useful for pregnant women and it has a great effect in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease as well as it contains beneficial dietary fiber in the intestines.

The experts pointed Food Research Institute in Rome that the lettuce leaves rich in beta-carotene, resistance to oxidation and eating a great deal of these papers before bedtime works as a painkiller in the intestine.

The lettuce is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C and vitamin E, as well as that of the water-rich vegetables and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus and iron.

The study also confirmed the importance of lettuce for young and old is shielding them from osteoporosis and also keep their teeth .. Other benefits of lettuce prevention of constipation because it is rich in dietary fiber and water as it moisturizes the body and prevents the formation of urinary gravel and calms the nerves and helps sleep also gives skin more purity.

0 Swollen stomach Causes and treatment methods

Swollen stomach .. Causes and treatment methods ..

Swelling is a state expansion in the stomach or intestine, if bloating not accompanied only burp and pain is concentrated in the upper abdomen, is pain swollen stomach, in the case if the pain is associated disorders in output and exit Wind This is the swelling of the colon, and the swollen stomach happen immediately after eating the distention of the colon occurs at any time.

Here are the most important causes bloating and methods of treatment:

- Causes swollen stomach:

• accelerate while eating causing swallowing air while chewing and digestion.

• unhealthy food or unbalanced.

• drink water while eating.

• drinking soft drinks.

• Foods that contain a high percentage of yeast

• Eat foods that brewing residues in the stomach, such as onions and beans.

• Eat foods that contain pungent spices.

• Eat gum or gum cause cause air to enter the abdomen.

• talk while eating.

- Ways to treat flatulence:

Certainly you first need to get away from the elements that cause you to swell in the foregoing. In your case of bloat, there are several ways to get rid of him, such as:

• teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water.

• a glass of water simple carburetor.

• treatments that can be used to designate Balfoarat which are available in pharmacies.

• natural herbs eat boiled considered its strong anti flatulence like: anise - chamomile (chamomile) - the ring - lemon (a strong repellent of gas as well).

0 amounts Manalvdilat causing in turn irritate the member and the resulting swelling and itching.

 amounts Manalvdilat causing in turn irritate the member and the resulting swelling and itching.


The most common types of bacteria that cause inflammation is "Haemophilus vaginalis" and cause the bacteria to make liquid White Slave in the vagina liquid is thick tilted to gray or yellow, there fungus called "Candida" also makes liquid vagina thick white, and cause the initial object named "hairy "convert to yellow liquid italics or green and gray, as well as make it thin and Rguia.
Can fungi or bacteria or primary objects, causing inflammation to be present in member Alemraep without that causing inflammation and quantities are usually balanced so as not to cause excessive amounts of any harm to women.

The inflammation occurs when upset this balance reproducibly and one or more of the objects in large numbers. There are several factors resulting in disruption of this balance, including pregnancy and poor health and malnutrition, insomnia, use of certain drugs, and the wounds and allergies against certain types of cleaners or detergents used in washing and scented soaps, can increase its role of risk pneumonia.

The treatment is after conducting tests on vaginal fluid to determine the type of organism causing the infection, and there is certain antibiotics and other medications used to treat it.
There are many medicinal herbs that can be used to treat infections, namely:

* Garlic:
Plant contains hundreds of vehicles manufactured by the ability of the Creator meticulously can not factories and technology rights work even if a fraction of those vehicles and garlic plants that contain compounds fatal fungal and bacteria is the most important compound allicin compounds killer fungus Candida albican which causes inflammation of the vagina

* In order to eliminate vaginitis take a teaspoon of garlic juice and added to about four teaspoons of yogurt then used Kdsh of the vagina twice a day and continue in use until the inflammation go away.

* Cardamom:

* Can be used cardamom seed oil as an alternative Excellent plant Australian Albalka.

* Buttercup Murr:
Is herb Medical traditional in Native American has been used by tribe Cherokees to handle indigestion and infections topical and appetite. Has introduced this herb to Europe in 1760 AD and became in the nineteenth century of plants favored by therapists belonging to the School of Natural Medicine (Althomsonyen) and school selectivity has remained listed in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia until 1926 and is buttercup plant bitter plants anti-bacteria and fungi which contain alkaloids most important Berberen and Hedresten Studies have shown that these compounds deadly type of amoeba cause inflammation of the vagina.
The studies proved that the buttercup plant has effects on the immune and the user of the buttercup plant is rooted

* Where taken to fill a teaspoon of filling a cup of boiled water and drink twice a day until the inflammation has passed or capsules can be used are sold in local markets.

* Alloundh or Aldharm:
Herbaceous plant aromatic Muammar is Flowers violet سنبلية shape and is one of the most beautiful plants and habitat of this plant France and the Mediterranean basin and grows naturally in cold regions of the Kingdom user part of Alloundh flowers, oil volatile and known in some Arab countries lavender with the lavender in Saudi Arabia differs from This plant completely. يعتبرهذا plant the most popular medicinal herbs since ancient times.
Alloundh contain the volatile oil and Afsip acids and Kumarniat flavonoids and three turbines. Use flowers and Alloundh oil anti-spasm and stimulating blood circulation and antibacterial

* The use drops of oil with tablespoons yogurt and dipped the cotton swabs so saturated and then enter into the vagina or used in the form of showers vaginal or in the form of cream paint or lotion with a note not to continue the use of vaginal douches except in the case treatment only because the use of vaginal douches frequently affects the vagina.

* Acidosis:
Herbaceous plant Muammar part of it used its roots

* Use a teaspoon of powdered roots with filling a cup of boiled water once a day drink for a week working as a cleaner and disinfectant.

* Apple cider vinegar:
Many doctors advised especially in Europe using apple cider vinegar

* Where taken three glasses of apple cider vinegar added to the bath the Milli warm water and then sit where women with vaginal infections and trying to penetrate the water inside the vagina and sit in the bath for 15 minutes.

* Hibiscus:
A herbaceous plant contains fluid materials and flavonoids and Kumarinat and salicylic acid and phenolic acids The root contains starch and several articles of sugars and asparagine acid and tannins. Hibiscus leaves are used disinfectant and fatal for some bacteria and fungi

* To use taken leaves and grated or cut then filled in the appropriate amount of water and placed on the fire until boiling and then cooled and filtered so still all suspended solids and the water will be a net and then used on the shower vaginal or lotion normal and used two to three times a day can also eat boiled Sherpa rate cup to two cups a day after meals.

* Hyssop:
Herbaceous plant Muammar is flowers violet beautiful shape, has been described Hippocrates hyssop to address pleurisy and recommended Dsagurides with rue agricultural asthma and influenza User segment of the plant is aerial parts, contains hyssop oil pilot and flavonoids and acids Afsip and materials once.

* Using crushed hyssop plant Gsola and vaginally shower and drink.

* How to use:

Grated all parts of the plant including the roots and then mixing with the amount of water and boil, then cool and drain well so be discharged net then works him shower vaginally or sitting for 15 minutes and can be done boiled for drinking from hyssop where taken to fill a teaspoon and placed in filling a glass of water already boiled and then leave for 15 minutes then strain and drink an average cup to two cups a day after meals.

0 Elixir Health is a cup of herbal tea

Elixir Health is a cup of herbal tea

When you feel inflammation in the throat or you're on the verge of injury shortness digest preferably dealing with a cup of tea medical.

Ursula says Saraberg spokeswoman in Berlin organization representing interests of pharmacists Germans: "can ease herbal teas of symptoms if there are signs of exposure to a problem or deteriorating medical condition."

Said Monica Botgn herbal teas "The diseases that are usually dealt with herbal teas are colds and digestive problems and women's complaints."

This tea is also used to relieve the symptoms of bladder and kidney pain and insomnia. Each herb contains a range of chemical ingredients determine the most powerful main effect of tea.

It helps plant with large leaves linden perspiration while helping fennel, anise and wormwood syrup to decipher convulsions.

Said Peter Zeman, chairman of the Professional Association of alternative medicine practitioners in Bonn that "sometimes confuses people four or six types of plants, but no more than that."

And increase the effectiveness of tea by adding and integrating herbs. It also promotes chemical compounds from its influence.

Can someone who does not have adequate Maumat on this topic to visit the pharmacist to prepare him tea manner.

Another solution is preset herbal teas. The Zizman said "disadvantage of this type is that it is a wide range of uses and is made specifically to address a specific problem or bug."

Said Laura Jroch from a consumer protection organization - Berlin "Not all of the herbal tea is a medical tea. Containers must contain tea medical information about how to use the correct chemical components and the dose and duration of validity, and license number. "

When buying herbal tea must make sure that each package wrapped separately so as not to miss essential oils inside them. The Botgn explained that "in this case can only benefit medical tea to the maximum extent."

And advises Jroch addresses medical tea for a limited period of time. She said: "I do not prefer to be addressed for a long time." Should not drink tea Medical for more than six weeks without consulting a doctor first.

0 Recipe henna to remove acne scars of the face and body

Recipe henna to remove acne scars of the face and body

Cause acne on the facial skin and even on the body Kalzar, arms and shoulders discomfort many women, it leaves after effects disturbing distort the appearance of the skin, so I will give you, dear recipe traditional Moroccan you'll get thanks to the skin crisp, clear and free from acne scars.

What you need to do is:

3 teaspoon of Moroccan soap or municipal
3 teaspoon of henna
1 teaspoon orange
Juice 1 lemon pill "acid"
- Nationalist mixing henna and soap, lemon juice and orange to be able to get a homogeneous mixture and coherent.

- Nationalist painted all your body and even your face this mixture and leave for 15 minutes.

- Rinse your body with water and then Afrckah Moroccan bath bag and you'll notice out layers of dead skin.

- And بالمداومة to use this mixture weekly notice that the effects of acne began to be afraid and that your skin become softer and glasses.
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